Choosing to Return to College

Choosing To Return To College

  • The Montessori Way: How A Private Kindergarten Delivers Education

    Have you ever heard of the Montessori way of teaching? It's an educational approach that has been used in private schools and kindergartens around the world for years. This approach is based on the writings of Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori, who believed that children should be encouraged to learn through exploration and experimentation. Here are three ways that a private kindergarten implements this approach to learning. Hands-on Learning One of the hallmarks of the Montessori approach is hands-on learning.

About Me

Choosing To Return To College

After a few disappointing semesters in college, I decided that it might be best to change pace a little bit. I began thinking carefully about what I could do instead of school, and within a few days, I was looking for a great place to work. I was able to find an incredible business that offered exactly what we were looking for, and I was really impressed with how nice they were to work with. Unfortunately, I realized that my new career path would only work for so long, so eventually I found myself thinking about school again. Read this website to learn why going to college is so important.